Dee Bryant Reminds Us That Spiritual Warfare Is Real, Better Be Prepared

Dee Bryant is a retired army officer on a mission. After serving in the military for 21 years, she decided that it is now time to fulfill her                         new mission and that is to influence the youth towards positive change. Bryant, as well as her relatives, has never lived a problem-free life and that is evident in her book “Holding on and Not Giving Up on Self”. It is a special book written to inspire and motivate our today’s youth in living a life that is completely dependent on God.

She has written a book in “Holding on and Not Giving Up on Self” that will always remind us that life is never storm-free, yet we can live a stormproof life all because of the assurance that God is always at work and that He is in control of everything. She opened up her world to us and showed us through her book that we don’t just battle in the flesh, there is a higher form of warfare and the battleground is your mind.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

 It was never my intention to become a writer.  Upon retiring from military service in 2006, I became an active parent in my children’s school starting back in 2007 instead.  This was the beginning of the time when I was able to build strong relationships with students, parents, teachers, and administrators. That experience taught me to focus on my young daughters, and of course our youth.  I pondered for years searching for my purpose while asking God what I could do, to motivate and inspire our youth.  Prayer brought me to the realization that my life was my living testimony.  Growing up and graduating high school without a plan, joining the military, marrying the love of my life while successfully retiring from military service with 21 years of faithful and honorable service were my book of stories. When I started to think of different parts of my life that could motivate our youth, I began to see that I had a book of stories that could easily resonate with our youth towards positive change, and this how my writing journey began.

When did you write your first book and how old were you?

 I started writing my first book in August 2015.  I was able to complete the manuscript in three months. (My age is not relevant).

What do your family think of your writing?

My family is quite proud especially my mother who just happens to be my biggest fan.  Because of my mother, my book has been a big hit within her senior citizen community back in Florida.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

I have learned that touching life and planting a positive seed that can grow into something great is more important to me than making money. 

How long does it take you to write a book?

When I am ready to put pen to paper it has taken three months to write, ‘Holding On and Not Giving Up On Self’, and six months for my latest book, ‘Girls Wear Combat Boots Too’.

Do you think teenagers from other parts of the world will be able to identify or relate themselves in your story after or while reading your book, ‘Holding On and Not Giving Up On Self’?

 Yes, without a doubt because my stories are relatable, because of the provoking questions and powerful bible scriptures at the end of each chapter.

You mentioned that your grandmother influenced you with your faith in God, what role did your parents play in your journey of growing your faith in God since your book is also for parents/guardians who may have troubled teens?

My grandmother influenced me with my faith in God with a focus to believe and never give up; however, my big sister Jefonda has had the biggest impact on me in growing my relationship with God. My big sister struggled as a young teenage mother and was forced to drop out of high school to raise her child. She faced failure and headache with little support starting at an incredibly young age.  I watched her struggle with an unbelievable resilience to never give up while keeping God first. To this day, I often turn to my big sister for emotional and spiritual support, which always seems to keep me on track towards God’s greatness.

Others might say that this book talks about prosperity gospel, favor, and blessings from God.  What encouragement can you say to them that your book is more than that?

My book is indeed spiritually-based; however, it is also about hope, finding purpose, and believing in self with a can-do, will-do attitude. 

I am curious about what would you like to say to your younger self who was not able to attend the prom?

High school is a fun time and should be enjoyed; however, it is ok to be different and quiet. Try and live your life right with few regrets.

If you are given a chance to turn back in time with stable financial resources.  Would you still enlist in the military or directly pursued a college degree?

Honestly speaking, if I had the money for college prior to joining the military, I do not think I would have given joining the military a second thought.  I was eighteen years old and at a crossroads.  I choose to go in a positive direction versus a negative one.  The military was the best option for me at the time.  I thank God for presenting such an awesome opportunity before me.  I am grateful for the life I have lived, and the memories I have created thus far, and because of that, I would not change a thing.

This book is now available in Amazon.

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