A highly imaginative, fast-paced, thrilling adventure set in the mid-1500s in Scottish history that will feed its readers a tragic story of                          bravery and heroism, sacrifices and deaths, and the passionate love that blossoms amidst the chaos.

The Henderson family lived in Blackraigshire, Southwest Scotland, and was headed by the Laird of the land, Hugh Henderson. The household originally consisted of nine family members: Hugh’s wife Ann, and their children, Andy, Joe, Ree, Jamie, the baby twins, and their paternal grandmother, Mairy. Also living with them was their cousin Innis, son of John, Hugh’s brother whose entire family was slaughtered. Following the robbery of their livestock and the loss of their house, the story gets more intense. First, granny Mairy’s death, killed by a pair of English army deserters. Second, the Henderson twins, died out of famish and cold. Third, Hugh’s death at the Battle of Pinkie Cleugh fighting side by side with Baron Agnew. Fourth, Ann’s death being depressed and heartbroken for her husband’s death. Fifth, Ree’s death after being accused of heresy and witchcraft. And Sixth, Innis’s exile for his stupidity and religion-seeking as the cause for the death of Ree. The family is shrinking after the deaths and departures of one after another.

After all those tragic wars and heartaches of losing loved ones, a newfound love blossoms like a flower in the desert. The love is shared by Andy, who now has become a laird of the land, and his wife Helen, daughter of the respected Baron Agnew. They cherish life through love for each other and their new son, Colin. Facing the future at the Big House together with Jamie and his wife Ally and their child, Gracie, Harold and his Douglas men-at-arms, and some of their most trusted workers and companions, all were now looking forward to what tomorrow might bring.

The story will take you back into history, a very imaginative, intriguing, and suspenseful novel that will absolutely leave its readers feeling empathy for the characters for days after reading. It’s like you have been teleported to Scotland in the mid-1500s. Truly a masterpiece. 


The book is available on Amazon. Buy your own copy now!

Pub Date: January 9, 2020
ISBN-10: 1734301112
Page Count: 356
Publisher: Petit Roche Press
Review Posted Online: January 9, 2020
Writera Magazine Reviews Issue: February 28, 2021
Categories: Literature & Fiction > Historical

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