At the age of 67, Chance Fitzbourne, a farmer and loyal supporter of the Democratic Party of the United States of America questioned his                  importance in life, and more so to the organization.

Stewart Willis generously offers a masterpiece through his book, One Vote. He is a master of humorous banter among his characters. One will not be able to put down once started. The flow of the scenes and dialogue are just perfect and will suffice the needs of the readers to have a bird’s eye view of what transpires in the plot of the story. He has unique ways to incite excitement and anticipation at the same time of what could happen next as the story progresses.

Who would have thought that one single vote could make a difference? Chance Fitzbourne became famous as a rogue elector throughout America, but for the Democratic Party, he was the faithless elector who served as a threat to the unity of their political organization. After 40 years of serving the political party, he wanted to stop putting signboards during campaign elections and do other work for the Democratic Party. When the time had finally come for him to play a role for a higher purpose of becoming an elector for the district, everything got out of hand. His once simple and peaceful life with his family and friends turned into a roller coaster ride of a lifetime.

Anarchy and chaos ensued in time when the nation lost its newly elected President due to unforeseen circumstances broadcasted on national television. Others would come up with a solution to fix and stabilize the government, but some despicable humans would take advantage of the uncertainties, and lead the nation to confusion to satisfy their greed for power.

Stewart Willis as an author is genuine and authentic. He writes with a purpose. One Vote’s timeless and realistic representation of the contemporary world leaves an enormous impact on everyone, not only on those who live in America but also on those who are under government conflict around the world. His characters, Allison Gwently as the Speaker of House and Jane Meyer Grete, the Vice-President-elect were oh so ready to kick some butt in the arena of politics dominated by men. He bravely made an impression in his book that the minority group in a society ruled by the majority also has what it takes to make a difference in a nation on the verge of its pandemonium.

Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, it is important to know and solidify the motives behind your choices. Is it just for a show or pure concern and devotion to a beloved homeland? One Vote by J. Stewart Willis will definitely stir your patriotic hearts that have been dormant and ignorant for a while of what is the greater purpose of an entrusted power for the benefit of others and not only of your own interest.

The book is available via Amazon.

Pub Date: November 5, 2020
ISBN-13: 978-0578795539
Page Count: 307
Publisher: J.Stewart Willis
Review Posted Online: January 31, 2021
Writera Magazine Reviews Issue: January 31, 2021
Categories: Politics & Government

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