Gil Saenz Simulates Unconscious Nostalgia in Each Part of His Breakthrough Collection, Edge of a Fantasy and Other Poems

 Gil Saenz Simulates Unconscious Nostalgia in Each Part of His Breakthrough Collection, Edge of a Fantasy and Other Poems.

Passionate and precise descriptions of all things around you are given emphasis in this one-of-a-kind work of art by Gil Saenz. Every poem will leave you astounded and smiling as you reminisce about a familiar sensation you once felt in your lifetime. This collection deserves to be treasured.

Gilbert Saenz (greatly known as Gil Saenz) was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. He retired from the government in 2004 where he had been employed as a computer specialist. He received his BA in English literature in June 1968 from Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. 

Gil began publishing poems in 1984. To date, he has published over three hundred poems individually. Also, he has published several collections of his poems, which include Colorful Impressions (1993), Moments in Time (1995), Dreaming of Love (1999), Poems of Life/Poemas de la Vida (2001), and Spaces in Between (2003).

What inspired you to begin this collection of beautiful poems?

The thing that inspired me to begin this collection of poems was my desire to share my personal reflections and recollections and my personal experiences. I feel that I have had a blessed life and I just wanted to share some of my experiences.

Which poem piece is the closest to your heart? Please tell us why.

I appreciate all my poems equally. I don’t think I have one which is closer to my heart than any other.

What do you want your readers to get after reading your collection?

I would like my readers to simply enjoy the poems and be able to find them all appealing or at least entertaining, and take them out of their everyday life.

Your poems mentioned a lot of things about nature, do you consider yourself a ‘nature lover’?

I do consider myself a nature lover and I do appreciate all the many aspects of nature in the sky, the sun, moon, and the stars.

How was the experience in writing this collection? What was the hardest part of the process?

The hardest part of writing this collection was picking and choosing which poems to finally put into print. Which would be more suitable to my theme of Edge of a Fantasy.

Are you preparing to release any books or other poetry for your readers? Can you tell us about it?

I have two books which have been relaunched by Westwood Books Publishing. They are SPACES IN BETWEEN and DREAMING OF LOVE.

 Some of your pieces depicted life as a beautiful journey, can you tell us what was the most beautiful thing that happened to your life?

I had the opportunity to travel extensively overseas and experienced many sights, people, and different cultures which were very diverse and interesting.

When was the moment you realized you have a gift for writing poems?

I had a habit of writing down some of my own reflections in my notebook when I would come home from work. One day, I realized that my writings began to sound like poems. Little by little, I began to create some poems.

Can you give us a walk-through of how your day usually goes?

I‘ve been retired for almost twenty years and I just live a leisurely life. Also, I spend a lot of time with my significant other.

I know some poet aspirants are reading your collection. Would you give any tips for those who are struggling to keep their passion burning in writing?

Writing poetry is a lonesome business. If you feel you have the calling, I highly suggest that you search out some writing groups in your area and join up with them. They could give you motivation and moral support. It definitely helps.

This book is available on Amazon.

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