Vivid and metaphorical, how can something be this beautiful? You will be awed by how each poem delves into your consciousness. Plucking                      strings of memories that will make you smile to remember. Edge of a Fantasy and Other Poems by Gil Saenz articulated all the inexplicable experiences a person could have in this journey called life. 

The collection of poetry is written in both English and Spanish, ensuring that a vast number of individuals would benefit from this gift. It was a genuinely wonderful approach for him to reach out to his audience. The overall tone of the collection was respectful of everything around it. It will alter your perspective of nature, making everything around you appear stunning. All the poems are written in exquisite detail. While reading it, all my senses are heightened. The imagery employed is effective. You can close your eyes for a few moments and be transported to a tranquil paradise full of tranquillity.

 The collection touches on some of the fantasies that people use as a getaway when they need it the most. After all, humans are optimistic beings, according to this poetry. The author emphasized the need for relaxation, particularly in keeping oneself focused on our goals. Everyone will agree on this. People live their lives to pursue their aspirations. Some are prepared to take risks, while others settle for what they believe they deserve. Humans’ primary desire is happiness and pleasure. After reading this anthology, you will undoubtedly feel introspective. Begin to reflect on your own and the world’s ways. You’ll never be the same after this.

 Each piece is ideal for daily meditation. Start your day with a poem, and everything will fall into place. Everyone will be able to connect to Gil Saenz’s ability to put into poetry how a person traveled the road to achieve his destiny. Every life is intertwined, and everything happens for a purpose. We are all part of a larger plan devised by the Creator, and everything will make sense sooner or later. One of the many takeaways from reading the collection is that every ending represents optimism and fresh beginnings.

 The life metaphor was sincere. Those phrases will give you shivers and make you realize things. Life is lovely, full of wildflowers and uncertainty, and brief, lasting only a few moments. The admiration for nature’s handiwork is outstanding. I’d never read a poetry collection that stressed the beauty of the world as much as this one did. Every poetry would remind you of happy memories, and for sure you would want to go back, reread, and appreciate the piece. Reading this collection was such a delightful and loving experience, and I believe everyone should feel the same way. A wonderful book, deserving of all the praises and appreciation. You would not believe how a poem can touch someone’s soul, not until you read this.

Get this book on Amazon. Grab your own copy now!

Pub Date: November 18, 2020
ASIN:  B0955M73SG
Page Count: 116
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing, LLC
Review Posted Online: November 18, 2020
Writera Magazine Reviews Issue: February 10, 2022
Category: Poetry

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