
Robert Page: Bang Goes The Weasel

Robert lives in the UK with his wife and two kids. Apart from being a musician and a cyclist, he wrote his very first crime book. He wasn’t always interested in reading. However, in recent years he became an avid reader of Dean Koontz, Harlan Coban, and Simon Kernick books which eventually inspired him to write his own. Bang Goes The Weasel is a crime thriller book. A fast-paced story with twists and turns, as two main characters try to survive yet only one makes it to the end of the book! It includes kidnap, murder, organized crime, and a thrilling chase across Europe.

After that, do you have plans in trying other genres?

I love horror. I’d like to write some short horror stories initially… Then maybe a horror novel.

Do you have a favorite character in your book?

Annie is my favorite character. She’s a young girl who gets kidnapped. But she is stronger than anyone thinks… A true survivor. I make up the personality of my character and from the people I’ve met, taking some of their traits to create anew.

How about your favorite scene?

Six bombs are made, five goes off yet the sixth one doesn’t. The point where the bomb fails to detonate is a tense point. But my favorite scene is the final one, with a big twist!

If ever you’re given a chance to speak to Annie, what would you say to her?

Well done! But you’ll get caught, one day! Maybe even killed!
Only one of the two main characters lives to feature in the second book.… I won’t say which!

Curious about Robert’s book? Read it on amazon or kindle and experience the chase!

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