Grip Of Heaven

When it comes to following your faith and finding the truest meaning of life, the author can indeed teach us a thing or two about spiritual                          awakening. His experience is so profound that it inspires us to do the same. People like H. Bruce Boulton help bring more light into the world for healing. So, take a grip on your Bible, for we are about to go into an exciting spiritual adventure!

It tells an incredible spiritual awakening journey for the couple–Bruce and his wife Annie, which led them closer to the Lord. After they moved to Clifton Park, abandoning the busy, complicated life of the corporate world, the couple began to participate in the town church’s preaching and gatherings and experienced the deeper meaning of being a Christian. Bruce and his wife understood what it meant to have a “born-again experience” by keeping up with their faith. As the days go by, as their relationship with the Holy Spirit gets more profound, they begin to see visions that serve as lessons for taking the right path in their lives, known as “Christ’s ends”. Being spiritually awakened in the life of the couple is to open your soul to Jesus Christ as a Savior, not just by knowing what the book says. This awakening further led the couple to live peacefully in the presence of the Lord and reconcile their differences.

But as humans, we are bound to commit sins. In one instance, Bruce was tempted by the devil to let on the pornographic thoughts in his mind–his thoughts were kept captive for many years and were seeking to be freed. As Bruce’s suffering intensified, the Holy Spirit showed him the power of being one as a couple who came to understand each other. With that vision, Bruce came home and told Annie about his suffering while she listened to him and helped him recover. Without such faith and the love from his wife, Bruce could not have done it.

A time came fast, and it was time for Annie to be with the Lord. Bruce was devastated and turned back to alcohol, which almost took away his life too. But even if Annie wasn’t there, Bruce felt her presence and overcame the addiction.

With Bruce’s faith and understanding getting stronger, he also began helping others to be closer to the Lord based on his personal great awakening experience. If we could only open our spiritual senses to see, pray the Lord’s Prayer, and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit in all our ways, we could also attain the great awakening.

Indeed, the spiritual journey is virtuous; it can move mountains and conquer the temptations of the devil. That is why Bruce is here to show us that great awakening is for everyone who is ready to open their spiritual senses to receive the Lord’s presence and glory.

Are you ready to accept the Holy Spirit?

Buy this book on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Get your own copy now!

Pub Date: October 5, 2019
ISBN-10 : 1950850935
Page Count: 54
Publisher: Page Publishing, Inc.
Review Posted Online: October 5, 2019
Writera Magazine Reviews Issue: August 18, 2021
Category: Christian Commentaries, Growth and Spirituality

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