A Fascinating Saga of the Fight between Good and Evil

VA McCloud wrote a stunning reference of the fight between good and evil in this book- Harvest of Souls, Crossover, Part 2. She is able                   to reach out to the younger audience by creating her very own enchanting, adventure-filled, and full of humor scenes. She formed this fun, thrilling, and full of mystery storyline yet also full of life-giving lessons that will teach the younger audience about the importance of family, goodness, and loyalty. She is a great writer as she continues to elevate the drama into a spiritual battle while injecting great scenes that will captivate every reader.

VA McCloud is a pastor and a business owner, who loves writing songs and books that promote positive attitudes to her readers.

Join her in her quest to connect to us with her inspiring, fun, and mystery filled stories that will surely entertain and enrich our mind and spirit!

This book is fascinating and also fun to read. What inspired you to write about this story?

I wanted to encourage all people including the young that with hope, love, and having a positive attitude we can overcome challenges, dark times, depressing times, and times when it seems like we are not going to make it.

 The characters were so rich and full of personality? Are they a depiction of some people you know in real life?

The characters represent young and old individuals that I know that have a good heart as well as the individual that hearts are evil.

What message do you want to tell the readers?

A good heart will prevail over evil doings.  Do not allow evil to overtake heart and mind.

Looks like this book has a lot more to tell, when is the next part of this story going to be released?

The third book will be ready by the end of 2021 no later than the beginning of the year 2022.

What is your favorite part of this book and why?

Young people taking a stand for the good and operating by their passionate gifts and not being ashamed of who they are.  Young people not allowing bullying, depression, negative thoughts to control their minds.

Tell us something interesting about yourself.

I am a born again believer connected spiritually by faith. I believe in the supernatural power of God, and I have one daughter who is most beloved.

How old were you when you started writing?

It is funny. I never liked writing, but I started about 18 years ago.  I was inspired to write a book that would impact the lives of our young people who were struggling in life for acceptance.

What made you get into writing?

I wanted to share with others my passions.

What is your favorite book and why?

I read many books and watch many movies, so the Bible is the most interesting work of art to me.  I can read the Bible and I actually feel I am within the story.

 What are other things you enjoy aside from writing?

Reading, singing, self-help/self-improvement, family.

The book is available via Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Buy your own copy now!

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