Nancy Harris Helps People See the Spiritual and Realistic Ways of Treating Mental Illness

It is a delight and a blessing to be able to sit on your couch and read a book that will help you become a better human being. Mental illness is          an issue that has plagued the whole world and so many people have died, attempted suicide, and became seriously ill because of it. There is a great debate about how to overcome mental health issues and most of the time, seeking counseling is the common and realistic approach to treating them. In addition, the intake of medical prescriptions and the use of natural or synthetic drugs is another way to help anyone take control of their mind, and sometimes this helps. But what if there’s more to it than the outside treatments that we have been used to? Well, this is where Nancy steps in, and as she shares her insights, spiritual and thoughtful ways of recovering and then using these thoughts to help the readers act with integrity from the wisdom of what has been learned from her experience, the readers realize that there is more to the road of recovery and healing.

This technique might be new for some who has never truly gone deep into their inner self, but as Nancy helps the readers uncover that, the readers will be able to see a whole different way of uncovering a natural, almost mystical, and godly way of handling the mind towards purity, compassion, and self-love.

Nancy, we applaud you for writing a book that is helpful to a vast majority of people, especially those suffering from Mental Illness. Tell us, how did you come about writing this? What encouraged you to write about Mental Illness?

COMI tells the answer to one of the worst problems on earth – how to heal mental illness. Millions of people in the world suffer and struggle with mental illness with little relief in sight, despite thousands of health care professionals. I experienced mental illness after my 18-year- old son was killed in a car accident. I thought I had been a bad mother. You just do not lose your children. My mother had taught me as a child NOT to love myself. She said that was conceited, so as a young mother, I had no Self-love to sustain me after my son’s death. I finally discovered the way to overcome my own mental illness after suffering for eight to nine years with little to no help from the many counselors, doctors, and psychiatrists I saw. I was so tired of being sick that one day I took a new approach. I remember I had painted my fingernails bright red that day trying to remember whose life I was trying to save. I sat down on my couch, put my hands over my eyes, and looked inward. I said, “What the hell is going on in here?” I got my answer immediately. I saw five ghost-like creatures looking back at me from within my inner mental space. I started yelling at them. “Get the hell out of my space!” I had invaders in my inner mental space where my thoughts form that I could see clearly by looking inward. We are not taught in our culture how to look inward, and even worse, we are not taught as children to love our-Self to keep invaders out of our mental space.

If you consider the earth, you know there are thousands of creatures of various varieties that live in the earth – worms, slugs, moles. Likewise, there are thousands of creatures that live in the air – birds of countless varieties, butterflies, and bees. There are also thousands of creatures that live in the water – shellfish, octopi, whales, dolphins. There are even little flying creatures that fly through and dance around the flaming fire.

Why do those people who try to help the mentally ill not understand that other creatures besides our-Self also live in inner mental space? They can enter our individual luminous energy field and attack anyone who allows his/her degree of Self-hatred to be greater than his degree of Self-Love. The answer to healing mental illness of all varieties is to teach the suffering person to Love Her-Self more than she hates her-Self. If you live with Self-Love, intruders, demons, (whatever you want to call them) can no longer get into your mental space. Taking pills or medications to heal mental illness is a joke. Every creature in the universe is hungry. These invaders come into our mental space to steal our spiritual energy, and we call it mental illness rather than theft. If you are willing to change your mind and love your-Self, you will get well.

How long did it take for you to write this book?

COMI is now in its second printing. It has been a labor of love over many years.

Do you believe that Mental Illness is the cause of all diseases?

Various diseases are caused by the individual’s negative attitudes toward other people and the particular problems in his/her life.

Tell us about the time of your own mental illness experience and the most terrifying experience from it?

I believe the most terrifying part of experiencing mental illness is when you realize you have seen the doctors, the counselors, the ministers, and you are still sick with no improvement in sight, and you don’t know what else to do to get well.

How do we maintain mental purity?

You protect your inner mental space from invasion by what Jesus called demons or evil spirits by loving yourself more than you hate yourself. You have to work your way back to Self-Love by increments because as a child, you were never taught to love your-Self. Actually, Self-Love is wisdom. Look it up in your own dictionary.

Do you believe in prayers? How should one pray?

If you believe prayer works, then maybe it will work for you. Expecting anyone else to heal you of mental illness is to believe in a fallacy. You must change your own mind about your-Self.

Tell us more about Nancy Harris, her hobbies, and who she is as a person.

Nancy Lynne Harris – see About the Author (attached).

What is your favorite book?

My favorite book – COMI – How to Consciously Overcome Mental Illness.

Who is your favorite author and why?

Favorite author – John Perkins Techniques for Global and Personal Transformation.

 What is the best advice you can give to people who are suffering from Mental Illness?

Best advice for people suffering from mental illness: Begin to say, ‘I love and approve of myself every day in every way.’ Never stop saying it if you want to be mentally well.

The book is available via Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Buy your own copy now!

About The Author

Nancy Lynne Harris

Nancy Lynne Harris, M.A., shaman and spiritual teacher, is the founder of GodSpirits United, LLC, a company that helps people recover from medically incurable illnesses and additions by teaching them how to shift their energy for healing. She is a graduate of The Four Winds Society, founded by Dr. Alberto Villoldo and James Van Praagh. She graduated as a spiritual teacher from the Eschatology Foundation. In 2020, she was awarded Top Shaman/Spiritual Teacher of the Year by IAOTP(International Assn. of Top Professionals). Harris asked Spirit to let her serve when she realized she was healing chronic, medically incurable illnesses because of her deep understanding of how to cause spiritual energy to move. She specializes in healing depression, alcoholism, mental illness and glaucoma.

1 thought on “Nancy Harris Helps People See the Spiritual and Realistic Ways of Treating Mental Illness”

  1. Surprisingly! Its like you understand my mind! You seem to know a lot about this, just like you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you can do with some pictures to drive the message home a bit, but other than that, this is good blog post. A good read. I will certainly be back.

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