Anna Sylwestrowicz’s Memoir Proves That Women Are More Than the Roles the Society Had Set for Them

Can a woman have it all: pleasant home life and a great career? In a society dominated by men, women seek to make a name for                                themselves in their chosen field while juggling the responsibilities of being a good homemaker. Something’s Gotta Give: The Art of Balancing a Medical Career, Teenagers, and Relationships Without Prozac, Anna Sylwestrowicz’s memoir, shares her and other career women’s perspectives on the struggle of keeping it all together.

Anna Sylwestrowicz is an anesthesiologist and a mom on Vancouver Island. She was born in Poland, grew up in Nigeria, and migrated to Canada. She is an only child, and her father is an obstetrician, and her mother is a chemical engineer. She dedicated this book to her family and to the women in the medical field.

In this book, you share a lot about achieving something. Can you tell us what success means to you?

My definition of “success” has changed over the past decade. It used to mean personal achievement, academic goals and career advancement. Now it’s shifted and much more about healthy relationships and happy family life. I have great pleasure from watching my children succeed and grow into really good people.

If you can go back in time, is there anything that you would like to change in your life?


Among your parents, to whom do you think you took after a lot? Why?

I take after my father and his dad (military orthopedic surgeon) with work ethic, but I have my mom’s maternal instinct, empathy, and wanting everyone to be happy.

As you said, “having it all” is just that… a myth. Do you still think that way in this current stage of your life?


What advice would you give to ‘husbands’ who have career-driven wives?

Listen to them and support them as a team at home.

If you are not a doctor, what other profession would you have pursued?

I would study genetics… basic science research.

What is that specific lesson you wanted women to get upon reading your memoir?

No lesson, just advice, and perspective.

What is your most favorite part of the book?

My biggest success is my wonderful children, husband, and my parents who led by example.

This book is available on Amazon.

Grab your own copy now!


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