In a Quarter Of A Second And The Glowing Rings by Anita Kirk

An adventure story for us is all about having that dreamy, imaginative, and creative mind, and so, we are curious to know about your inspiration to write a story as such. Who and what inspired you? 

I was inspired to write because my mum has written two children’s books, I wrote short stories for my children when they were younger that I never published. 


Writing books is a passion and a hobby that I love doing in my spare time when I am not doing my full-time job. My ideas and imagination constantly run away with me blowing my mind away, with me looking forward to other people enjoying reading the unpredictable twists and turns in my stories. Of course, with its dramatic uncertain, happy, different, sad endings and much more for other people to get as much as a buzz out of reading it as much as I did writing it.


How many books have you written and what genre are you most fond of writing about? 

I have written three books up to now. My first book is called, “In a Quarter Of A Second And The Glowing Rings”. I love to write many different genres to share a variety of different books that I write for different ages to enjoy reading.


How did you get into writing? 

My children always said how much they loved the stories I had written, and my husband has always said that I have a talent for writing. I thought that everyone found it easy to write books, I soon found out that they didn’t. It was then that I realized that I do have a talent that I enjoy doing. This is where my writing story began. But apart from all that, the push from my mum writing her books inspired me as well.


What are your hobbies aside from writing? 

I love to go swimming, walking, spending time with family and friends, music, films, writing, reading, ice skating, soaps on the box, holidays, and going in my hot tub in my garden.


What is in “In a Quarter Of A Second And The Glowing Rings” that interests your audience, and why? 

 Anyone would enjoy reading, In a Quarter Of A Second And The Glowing Rings because it is full of magical action, adventure, time travel, unpredictable, magical places, people, and much more inside for all ages to enjoy. From age 8 to the older end, with them meeting their future selves and seeing their future lives, with some of them getting hurt along the way from the dragon’s mark and other situations.


What is your favorite scene from this book? 

My favorite scene from, “In a Quarter Of A Second And The Glowing Rings” is when items come alive from a magical pocket watch. When it is open magical things happen, with it turning back into a normal pocket watch when it is shut.


Do you have another story in mind that you are planning to write in the future? 

I am writing a few stories at the moment. One of my stories is magical and for all ages to enjoy, with someone called Flora receiving an item that she did not know how powerful it was. It will be called, Dream Changer shop. This has got twists and turns along the way, with many unpredictable things happening.


Who is Anita Kirk as a person and as an author? 

I am a proper Yorkshire lass from the UK. I am always happy, sociable, busy, and bubbly. I love to spend time with my family and friends, in between juggling life, writing, and working. I would love to be able to travel around the world to do some book signings one day.


For more information about In a Quarter Of A Second And The Glowing Rings, it’s now available in Amazon. Click here for more information!

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